Wednesday, October 17, 2018

When That Which is Perfect Is Come

I am wanting to connect with those who desire to live in a broader and shall I say 'richer' understanding of the Body of Christ. 

Varied in texture, multi faceted, with a depth and vibrancy that I haven't experienced in the institutional settings of expressions of the Body. 

From what I read, there seems to be many pockets of these communally based expressions, but I have yet to participate in one.

Although I would love to be a part of such a community, if I can find one,  my fear is that they are just mirages; look too closely and you discover that the refreshing, soul quenching community you thought you had
found is just another glorified expression of what we have already participated in for many, many years: One person in charge with everyone looking to that person for leadership, no freedom to exercise gifts, half hearted commitment and lack of trust for one another and whatever else makes up our current bogged down expressions.

 I think their elusiveness may be linked to the fact that we still have not grown up into the fullness of the stature of Christ yet. Still too much 'self' that erodes the 'ties that bind', making it easy to disconnect as soon as fellowship becomes inconvenient, messy or not heading in the direction we think it should. 

There is much rumbling online (as usual?) that the great Outpouring of the Spirit is very soon to happen.. We believers will be empowered from on high to do exploits as we march forward to bring in the last great harvest. 

Is this why we can't come together now? We need a greater filling? Will this be the 'perfection/maturity' that Paul talks about in 1 Cor. 13? Will our love for one another finally be a reality that is manifested so the world can see Him whom we love dwelling in our midst? One with one another and one with Christ, finally?

Here is an article by Neil Cole that talks about communities, he calls them 'outposts', that he says are
functioning beyond  just 'meetings':

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