Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dealing with People,Problems, 3

So in thinking about those situations I see as problems, the thought came to me that I and everyone else, believer or otherwise, are constantly flowing in the lust of our flesh, lust of our eyes and the pride of life.

I had to ponder this a moment as at first it seemed like too much of a blanket statement - EVERYONE!?

The verse came to mind about how the corruption that we see in the world is through lust. Everything is decaying because of the curse which came because of the lust.

It would seem, whether we like it or not, we are constantly being motivated by one of the lusts, our minds are being led in the direction of one of the lusts, our emotions are in an uproar because of one of the lusts, and we are suffering consequences we don't like because of one of the lusts.

These are where my (our) problems are coming from.

We are in such a far greater predicament than what we realize - but for Jesus.

Thank God the Father for our Hope! We can NOT save ourselves! The rabbit hole truly is too deep, and
we are too blinded, self-deceived to be of benefit to our self or anyone else. Thank God for Jesus!

Thank you Lord for allowing us to be accepted in the Beloved. Thank you for His redemption. Thank you for working all things after Your Own counsel. I am very grateful. Help me to yield to your wisdom and love.

Dealing with People,Problems, 2

As I thought about how I am in the same boat as others when it comes to being displeased with others' actions and disgruntled regarding my situations, I began to think on Yahshua and I asked 'how did You respond to people not meeting Your expectations?" How did You respond to disappointing situations?"

I can't say that I could think of anything that showed that Yahshua was ever disappointed or displeased with anyone or disgruntled with any aspect of His life!

He WAS angry at the stubbornness of the religious leaders that kept the people from really seeing who the Father was. But His 'righteous' anger, as bible teachers like to describe it, didn't really have to do with Him or how anyone was treating Him - which is exactly opposite of how WE are. We are desperate to make sure no one takes advantage of us, discomforts us, does things we don't like etc.

It would seem that the difference between me and Him is that He knew He was on a mission to fulfill the Father's commandment. Even though I know that Christ is in me, and that I am to allow His life to flow through me for the continuance of the Father's purposes, too often I fall back onto my flesh and the patterns of my old nature.

So, in dealing with people in general, I need to allow them to live unto the Lord (or unto themselves as the case may be) as they see fit. If they are not in an obvious sin, then, as Yahshua told Peter, 'what is it to you, you follow me.'  And as Paul said, 'every man will bear his own burden' and  Yashua again, 'wisdom is justified by her children' ; i.e. the results will bear witness as to whether the actions were wise or not.

HOWEVER, in dealing with the brethren in particular, I DO need to bear their burdens with them,  I DO need to gently instruct those who are in opposition to the truth, lest God grant them repentance to receive the truth.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Dealing with People, Problems

Every way of a man is right in his own eyes but the Lord pondereth the hearts. Prov. 21:2
All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes, but the Lord weigheth the spirits. Prov. 16:2 

I was thinking unto the Lord about how easy it is for me to see where 'others' are falling short in their walk before the Lord. However, as has been my manner through what I believe is the instruction of the Lord, , I turned the light back onto myself to see where and how I am doing the same things that I notice in others.

As I was lying there thinking about how people are not seeing the error of their ways, I begin to have the
thought that it is very difficult to know your own shortcomings. We are blind to our faults and even if we have some indication of our ways, we justify ourselves. This is a work of our flesh (encouraged by the evil on and the world), this blindness, this justification.

So as I was thinking about the various dilemmas others are finding themselves in, I begin to ask the Lord
to forgive ME and help ME to see my error so I can be pleasing to Him. I used their situations as object lessons on how to begin to find my way out of my own delusions, after the manner of Proverbs,

I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding. And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down. Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it, and received instruction...Prov. 24:30-32
The problems that seem to plague people that came to mind pertained to 1). our relationships with others and 2). our desires.

We become angry, bitter, depressed, vengeful and whatever other negative emotion applies when people aren't being/doing what we want. We feel kindly affectioned towards those who please us.

We feel blessed and favoured when we get what we want and when things go our way. Not so, if the opposite is true.

To be continued...