Sunday, August 2, 2015


My thinking as I awoke went to the verse that says No chastening at the moment seems pleasant but afterwards it will bring the peaceable fruit of righteousness (my paraphrasing of how I remember the verse; I looked it up later and it is found in Heb. 12:11

Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby).

I thought about the fact that discipline produces fruit. This made me think that discipline is a type of pruning, since the Lord tells us that he prunes us so that we can bare fruit.  The fruit is righteousness. Then I thought about how the kingdom is 'righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit'. Then I thought about how Isaiah says that the people learn 'righteousness' when God's judgments are in the earth. The Father's chastisements are fitting us for Kingdom life.. He desires people like Himself, righteous, inhabiting His Kingdom.

Later, when I got to the computer, I looked up the verse on Biblehub. The word 'exercised' in the Greek was stated as meaning 'having been trained'. This made me think of how I often refer to God 'putting me through my paces'.  Which is a saying that, for me, would mean a type of training.  The word 'training' was shown to be 'disciplined development'. It sounds like what we do with our children I believe.

Just letting my thoughts flow (as Mark Virkler teaches) gave me this:
My kingdom is coming, I have plans for you in my Kingdom. You must be prepared. You have desired to work for me in the Kingdom, to be my honorable vessel. These things you are experiencing are necessary for that to occur. Be patient, your hope will not be in vain.
My response:
Thank you Lord. Please help me be patient. Help me be found worthy and in faith at your Son's return.