Saturday, January 30, 2016


Education is the Holy Grail of the modern society. It is one of the pieces of the system of this World that mankind has built in its tower of Babel; a part of the Babylonian system that seeks to usurp the rule of Yahweh over man.
Education has been used by fallen man to help him gain preeminence over his circumstances, at least in Western society. The thinking goes that the better the education, the better the ability to make ones own way in the world, i.e. make more money, have more prestige and more influence in the world.

I don't think learning, in and of itself is a bad thing. There are many things in our world that the Father would have us understand, I think particularly, how nature works (plants, animals, weather, our bodies). But as with all things, our hearts motivation will determine whether we are dealing with these learnings 'lawfully' or not.

The Father cannot be left out in our conjecturing on what needs to be learned and how in depth. Learning to acquire riches, learning, to be accepted, learning to acquire power over others  - these goals are highly suspect!

As kingdom citizens, we need to allow ourselves to be directed in our educational pursuits as in every other thing we endeavor to do.

And while I use education and learning interchangeably, I would say education is more of the system, while learning is the process of experiencing and observing the world around us.

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