Saturday, January 30, 2016

Musings January 30, 2016

Watching Gunsmoke, it was said of a man that he was being very generous in the use of ingredients he used in making a potion. The man, upon hearing the statement, walked into the room and said, stinginess is for the small hearted and the fearful.

I like that.

I desire to be a generous, even extravagantly so, person who doesn't let fear or a lack of internal character limit my ('Your', Father) expression of Grace, Blessing and Mercy in the world.

2nd musing:

I purpose by an act of my will to trust you Lord. My emotions/flesh say 'no, you see that you are in a situation that you didn't want to be in, I can't trust Him!" But I am going to disregard the voice of my flesh and the enemy. You have been so good and gracious in ways that I don't even know! You have protected, guided, fed, opened doors, rebuked the enemy, given me wants as well as needs - I am going to trust you for you are Good and Faithful and just like we want to give good gifts to OUR children you have and are giving good gifts to ME! So thank you Lord! I trust you to work all things out for my good. Help me to remain steadfast, unmoveable and always abounding in Your work. Now fulfill my Joy, return to me the Joy of my Salvation. Restore my Hope. And to You Lord be the Glory the Power and the Honor now and forevermore! Amen.

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