Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dealing with People,Problems, 2

As I thought about how I am in the same boat as others when it comes to being displeased with others' actions and disgruntled regarding my situations, I began to think on Yahshua and I asked 'how did You respond to people not meeting Your expectations?" How did You respond to disappointing situations?"

I can't say that I could think of anything that showed that Yahshua was ever disappointed or displeased with anyone or disgruntled with any aspect of His life!

He WAS angry at the stubbornness of the religious leaders that kept the people from really seeing who the Father was. But His 'righteous' anger, as bible teachers like to describe it, didn't really have to do with Him or how anyone was treating Him - which is exactly opposite of how WE are. We are desperate to make sure no one takes advantage of us, discomforts us, does things we don't like etc.

It would seem that the difference between me and Him is that He knew He was on a mission to fulfill the Father's commandment. Even though I know that Christ is in me, and that I am to allow His life to flow through me for the continuance of the Father's purposes, too often I fall back onto my flesh and the patterns of my old nature.

So, in dealing with people in general, I need to allow them to live unto the Lord (or unto themselves as the case may be) as they see fit. If they are not in an obvious sin, then, as Yahshua told Peter, 'what is it to you, you follow me.'  And as Paul said, 'every man will bear his own burden' and  Yashua again, 'wisdom is justified by her children' ; i.e. the results will bear witness as to whether the actions were wise or not.

HOWEVER, in dealing with the brethren in particular, I DO need to bear their burdens with them,  I DO need to gently instruct those who are in opposition to the truth, lest God grant them repentance to receive the truth.

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