Sunday, December 30, 2012

Clear - Part 2

The Father has a plan for removing the 'black velcro' from our lives.

It's called the Wilderness.

Egypt specializes in teaching us about hurt, rejection, mistrust, fear, loneliness and every other negative emotion.

I was talking with the kids and telling them that when we are freed from Eqypt, we leave that sphere of pain, only to be introduced to a different type of pain.

I asked them 'why do we have to be taken from one form of pain to this new type of pain?'

The next to the oldest said, 'so we can enter the Promised Land'

Good answer.

I told them that when we enter the wilderness, it's like we have entered in with a body riddled with cancer tumors.

We are unfit for immediate entrance into the Promised Land.

The wilderness serves as the surgeons's knife to begin to cut away the malignant tissue. It hurts but it is a healing pain.

If we cooperate.

I told them, 'can you imagine the patient wriggling around on the operating table, trying to keep the surgeon from doing what needs to be done "No! Stop! It hurts too much!" 'Yet that is what we often do as Dr. Jesus tries to remove the black velcro from our lives.'

Let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

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