The feelings at times are quite intense and my thoughts are constantly focued on the 'The Church' as I believe the Father desires it to function.
The Father has been so gracious in letting me come across authors who have already walked this way and are very capable of expressing themselves and what they believe the Father's heart is on this issue of the church.
It's amazing to me that I'm coming across believers who have been moving this direction even from the 1970's! (The Problem of Wineskins, Howard Snyder, copywrite 1975!) I suppose each generation has to enter into this truth for themselves. We all must move through the stages of spiritual growth. Being a part of a 'system' of 'religion' is one of the phases we all have to taste of.
I am being mindful that I need to be given the words by the Spirit to express what I feel going on inside so that whatever person I am talking to doesn't feel like I'm talking talking gibberish or that I am denigrating the 'actual' church.
I've found myself stating things like ' the Father desires to express himself through Christ by using US as His vehicle. The structure that we currently know as 'church' is a system that in essence quenches the life of Christ that desires to manifest itself to the world'. Or something like that.
One of the authors that the Lord has so graciously brought into my path is Chip Brogden. His website School of Christ is proving to be a very valuable resource from a pastor that has left the institutional setting of what is known as 'church'. Even though I have only just begun to read through his site, it is very helpful to see how he differentiates the C.A.W.K.I. (Church As We Know It as John Fenn from - another helpful brother in the Lord who has been on this path for quite a while - calls it) form the real ekklesia that the Father is adding to daily.
Nothing needs to be 'built'. No 'movements' need to be started. No 'programs' need to be institued. What the Father started on the day of pentecost is still happening, even in spite of our feeble efforts to 'help' it along in the same manner our forefathers of Judaism tried to 'help' things along.
The living, breathing organism, living stones, branches-attached-to-the-Vine, is growing and thriving and moving along with the Rivers of Living Water that the Father is allowing to flow among the nations; moving as HE directs. No announcements required. No A & B selection needed. No 3 points and a closing.
Heart to heart, deep calling unto deep, iron sharpening iron, living our lives relationally, living my life for the rest of the Body by laying my life down, according to Yahshua's example, dying daily to the carnal Adamic nature that tries to drown out the life of Christ flowing in me, recogning mysefl dead to the things of this world but alive unto Christ. This is where my thoughts are. Consuming me; making my conversation redundant to my family and friends, lol! I love you Lord! Let that not be in words only but in a life lived to your glory! Be glorified in me!
I know this is probably a transitional thing as I leave the world of 'churchianity' to enter into this new phase of 'living relationship with belivers of like/Christ mindedness' - not even sure of how to call it but in a way that's good. I'm not interested in 'titles' -I just want to BE.
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