Excerpt from my June 18,18 journal entry:
I was thinking of an example I could share with the kids on wisdom and understanding and this scenario came to mind:
When a person is cooking you should turn the fire on the burner down some if the pot doesn't have a cover and if you are cooking with a high flame, otherwise the high heat is 'exciting' the items cooking and the water/grease could be popped from the pan like the boiling water I had cooking on high heat the other day made the hot water pop onto my arm and I have 3 small round burn marks where the water hit me. So, the 'wisdom' - the manner of seeing and proceeding when cooking on the burner with a high flame- is to turn the flame 'down' as you get close. A person could leave it at that and be ok, but with the UNDERSTANDING you now know WHY you proceed that way and can be in AGREEMENT/UNITY with the person/action/situation on what needs to be done. How can two walk together unless they be agreed the scriptures ask us. We can begin to move from just a servant mentality of obedience, to the friend category where we are on the same page with the Lord and saying YES and AMEN to the Word. This wisdom/understanding combination helps in maturing (perfects) us.