I am often praying, for myself and others, that I/they be vessels of honor in the Lords hand/house. As I was 'thinking unto the Lord' this morning, I began to think of the will of the Father as a river. Those whose eyes are open are open are fish who are swimming WITH the current and with purpose. Those whose eyes are closed are floating over to the sides of theriver where there are rocks and working on things among the rocks. Some are eeven swimming against the current. These ones have veiled eyes. They are living according to the vanity of their mind and following the idols of their heart. They are still in the river - EVERYONE is in the river, it is God's sovereign will at work within the world - but not everyone (most everyone?) don't realize it. We are allowed to swim in the manner we want to within the river, but the current of the Father's will is constantly bringing forth the Father's desire even in the midst of the blinded activity of man. To be a vessel of honor is the work of the Father. Only He can give revelation of Who He is, What this life is about and Who we are in this life.
Just as Doubting Thomas didn't believe until he saw the wounds of Christ for himself (and he was a disciple!), just as those who were on the road to Emmaus didn't recognize Him. Just as Mary at the tomb didn't know him. Just as Peter and the others didn't know him standing on the shore, we too, unless can't 'see' the Christ unless are eyes are unveiled. Flesh and blood can not show it to us.
But as we pray for eyes to see and hearts to understand, the Father begins to reveal our internal idols, and as we forsake them, the veil, or at least a layer of the veil, comes off. We can begin to swim with purpose in the Father's river of love and be used as a vessel of honor.As lay down our lives, a layer of the veil comes off and we can begin to understand the Father's good and acceptable and perfect will.