Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Cost of Community

From  The Naked Church  by Wayne Jacobsen:
I’ve worked around one simple point in this entire chapter:
Community can only happen among disciples—people desiring
to be changed by Christ into his image. The reason that community
is so elusive is because most church program is geared
to people who only nominally want to serve God. They desire
less to grow in relationship with him than they do to escape the
agony of hell.
There’s nothing wrong with the church having meetings where
this kind of people can be touched, but to pass it off as the life
of the church is grossly inaccurate. Such people are too carnal to
discover the depth of relationships which Jesus wants to build
between believers.
"The reason community is so elusive is because most church program is geared to people who only nominally want to serve God."

From Webster 1828 dictionary:


1. Titular; existing in name only; as , a nominal distinction or difference is a difference in name and not in reality.
2. Pertaining to a name or names; consisting in names.

I was speaking to a believer a few months ago, asking the person why they didn't seek the things of the Lord in a greater degree, and, in a moment of frustration, told the individual that they are a nominal believer. I look back on this statement and feel that maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh. The Father is leading us each according to what he knows we are capable of understanding and the direction He wants our lives to go. I feel like believers should desire to want to know the Father better and to be more like Christ - but - even that desire itself isn't coming from us, but the spirit/Spirit within is moving us to want more of Christ's life.

So, who am I to judge something like this? I have been blessed and given great grace to want the Father and Son the way that I do. Should I hold this as a badge of honor and see everyone else as less than me because they don't feel the same way? It may be that He has given me this hunger for Him so that I can be a source of encouragement for others whom He is in the process of enlightening. I don't know. Yashshua  Himself didn't act 'better than'  despite being surrounded by so many (evveryone!) who were spiritually blind and spiritually immature.

And it's not like I know a great deal about Who the Father is, What this Life is about, and Who I am in this Life (the mantra I quote to my children about walking in reality and not the vanity of our minds and the illusive, deceitfulness of the world system).

But I WANT to know the Father better! I WANT to be conformed to the image of the Son!

When I read this section of Wayne Jacobson's book today, I was like 'Yes, that's right brother!" The institutional setting of what the world calls 'church' had become so artificial feeling to me that it was almost physically painful to sit through a 'service'.  There was no true community. No real 'knowing' of one another and seeking to grasp the Father's mind in one another's lives. No, 'what's the Father saying to you' 'Here's how he's been dealing with me'.

" Such people are too carnal to discover the depth of relationships which Jesus wants to build
between believers."

Oh my spirit groans as the reality of what he is saying is painful but true. The Sunday (or Saturday/Sabbath)  service is the epitome of what it means to be a believer to very, very many of God's people. Their relationship with the Father is measured on church attendance and being involved in its various programs. And you're REALLY considered to be moving up in your faith/relationship with God if you are 'over' a 'ministry'.  Let's not even mention if you've been 'led' to start building your own ministry - you have truly arrived!

Yet, even saying these things, I believe the Father can and will work with individuals who feel that this is how you grow in your relationship with Him. I was in the institutional setting for many, many years and yet, here I am now on the outside and looking back in with, what I believe, are clearer eyes to see how far short this flurry of activity is to walking in a moment by moment relationship with the Father.

I still have lots to learn. No stones being cast; just thankful to read of others who have seen what I am now seeing.  What this former 'pastor in an institutional setting' has come to realize about that type of setting is what I am coming to see as well. It was a 'schoolmaster' to prepare me for real life in Christ.

Hold my hand Lord as we journey together.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Narrow Way

As I was thinking thoughts unto the Lord, I was telling the Father how I wanted to get back on track with my eating habits. After a month of staying away from many carbs in January, March has found me once again going back to my comfortable eating habits and has produced the inevitable weight gain.

Thinking about how I want to simplify my life and how excesses of anything can be an outward manifestation of spiritual disharmony, I realize my 'excess' weight is an indicator of a focus on satisfying my flesh instead of dying to flesh and walking a crucified life.

I don't want that.

As these thoughts were circulating through my head, I began to picture the believer's walk as being one that goes through a passage way. I pictured the new believing person as being very bloated,  and balloon like - fleshly.

Despite the person's condition, he/she was still able to get through the gate but it was an uncomfortable, tight fit.

In order to move forward, the individual had to 'loose' some of his girth. This was fine at first but as the person moved further along the tunnel like passageway, the opening became narrower, forcing the person to stop until more of the excess 'fluff' was gone. In some instances, the narrowness of the tunnel was the instrument itself that shaved off the extra material as the person literally forced himself to move forward through the passageway.

The further along the person went the narrower and narrower the tunnel was  and more and more 'body baggage' had to be removed until the individual was now a normal size silhouette of a person, no longer bloated.

With this new shape, the individual found that the tunnel no longer felt so narrow even though it was much, much narrower than it had been at the beginning of the entrance.

This 'thinking unto the Lord' encouraged me but was also intimidating in that I realize that the further along the path I get with the Lord, He will expect a corresponding maturity and removal of those things that I rely on, lust after, are self willed over, etc.

The Father says, "Fear not for I am with you, I have called you by my name,thou art mine"

I say, 'Help me not to shy away from your chastisings Father but to receive sonship with a glad and grateful heart'

Grown up Baby

As I was lying down thinking thoughts unto the Lord the other night, I was tempted to say 'Why, Lord?'
This was in response to thoughts I was having on some difficulties I was experiencing.

Before I could go further with my, 'why' train of thought, I began to think of what it's like to be a child.

A five year old may want to eat cookies - and nothing BUT cookies - for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The conscientious parent says 'No' and the child whines 'Why?!' 'They taste good, they fill me up, they look yummy, so WHY!?'

As I was pondering this mental scene, I began to see myself in the parent's/Heavenly Father's place.

We as the mature being with experience and greater foresight understand what can occur on a diet made
up solely of chocolate chip cookies. To the child, however, we are being unreasonable if not downright
mean for denying them something that appears to be so good.

Then I thought about how I see this situation in myself and others so much.
'why won't you let me have this relationship, job, possession, etc.'

Mind you, this is pertaining to those who may even care to ask the Father His will in a given situation.

When the door is shut or we feel a 'No' wafting into our spirit, we, no, "I" feel inclined to whine 'WHY!?'
But I long to see from your perspective Father. Even in typing that sentence I feel the thought coming to me 'It's not about seeing from My perspective; it's about trusting me'

Ah, yes, Father. You who can see the beginning from the end; You who always has my best interest at heart; You who knows what I REALLY need will not deny me any good thing.

Like the five year old child, my natural man thinks it knows better. Like Eve in the garden, I tend towards believing the lie. Help my unbelief, Lord.

I just don't realize how blind I really am . Just like the child, many things don't seem to make sense so reasoning situations out according to my own understanding, or following the path of least resistance, or doing what's practical feels right - but I don't want to live by feelings; like an overgrown baby!

I want to exercise my senses to know what is right, as the writer of Hebrews tells us, so that I can be mature and able to handle 'strong meat".

You are SO good Father! Thank You for Your Holy Spirit Lord.Thank you for your loving kindness and tender mercies!